IBRs Global MBA is the best example of a truly work integrated MBA programme, rooted in the experience of the German dual-education. IBR runs six weekly residential periods in Europe, Asia, Australia, America, and Africa. Locations of residentials depend on the students’ country of residence. With a maximum of 20 students, classes are small to allow personal interaction between faculty and students.
In addition to residentials, assignments are pitched to optimise bottom-line performance at IBRs students‘ workplace thus creating real value for their employers. IBR complements each assignment with a tutorial session, offering coaching opportunities professionally and academically.
The Albstadt-Sigmaringen University offers its local and international students a well-founded, internationally competitive education.Our graduates enjoy excellent career prospects and work in international corporations and authorities
There is no better way to learn. Why?
Global MBA students love that the programm is:
- tailor-made for every single student
- global
- optimal for working executives
- made in Germany
Albstadt Sigmaringen University of Applied Sciences
We are a German state university located in the Four Country Region Bodensee (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein) in the Southwest of Germany with a population of 3 million. The university serves this region with one of the highest densities of exporting small and medium sized companies that we call “hidden champions”. Many of them are world leaders in their specific market segments.
Albstadt Sigmaringen University is one of the most liked universities in Germany. In 2022 it was ranked # 7 out of 422 as the "most liked university“ by students in Germany (source www.studycheck.de). In the same rating the university was ranked # 4 out of 422 with regards to digital readiness.
The university is collaborating partner of IBR. In this partnership, IBR delivers the Global MBA programme and prepares students for passing examinations with the university. Upon successful completion of the Global MBA, the university awards IBR students with the MBA degree.
In our studies, we value teamwork and project skills.
IBR Institute of International Business Relations
IBR serves as a collaborative partner for innovation with numerous universities and business communities worldwide. Together with its partners in Africa, America, Asia, and Europe, IBR extends its reach to the next generation through innovative bachelor's, master's, and PhD programmes. IBR's student body intentionally includes high-potential individuals who may have been overlooked, disadvantaged, or underprivileged, aiming to make education affordable, accessible, and relevant for everyone in every country.
IBR’s flagship programme, the Global MBA, has held accreditation from FIBAA since 1999. From its inception, FIBAA has recognized its global focus, the employability of its graduates, its unique integration of theory and practice, the coherence and credibility of its teaching methods, the support provided to students by the faculty, and the program's exceptional management, setting a model for other universities.
The programme complies with both national and European Qualifications Frameworks, European Standards and Guidelines, and the principles outlined in the Bologna declaration, while also adhering to the requirements specified in the EQUAL MBA Guidelines.
As of 2022, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University has taken on the role of the degree-awarding institution. In 2023, the university and IBR celebrate the 6th FIBAA accreditation for the IBR Global MBA! This remarkable achievement speaks to IBRs commitment to excellence in university education. The fact that all 6 accreditations were granted without any extra requirements is a testament to the high standards and quality of the Global MBA.
Global PhD
IBRs Global PhD uniquely focuses on researchers and their personal research interests as opposed to focus on the research professor and the professors personal research interests. It targets the application of the results to the upliftment of a business, NGOs, an industry, society, or even a nation in the process to foster and establish concepts of human flourishing within a specific predetermined area of research.
IBRs doctoral mentoring approach has been applauded by participants from Singapore to Minneapolis, and Stuttgart to Cape Town. Typically, IBRs researchers meet their professors weekly via web-conferencing and questions are being answered on the same day.
The Global PhD is a research-based doctoral post-graduate programme with no course work at EQR 8 Level in the European Union and the UK; and NQF Level 10 in Australia and South Africa. IBR offers the Global PhD as integrated partner of Kairos University, Sioux Falls, SD, United States. In this collaboration, Kairos University awards graduates with the degree Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). The IBR Global PhD faculty are Affiliate Professors at Kairos University and conduct the Global PhD and mentor Global PhD researchers.
Career prospects
IBRs Global MBA graduates occupy top positions in companies across industries. Apart from improving your salary the MBA is also a bullet-proof way to secure your career acceleration. The authority and reputation of the degree helps graduates rise into managerial and leadership positions. By progressing to higher management positions you have also the chance to have a greater responsibility and autonomy over your work. Another motivation for IBR Global MBA is to pivot into a new industry or role by switching the career.
Top employeers for MBA graduates can be found in various fields, i.e. government, healthcare, consumer goods, global enterprises. or startups.
Given the generalist focus of the MBA program, it's no wonder that you have numerous job opportunities, i.e.:
- Consulting jobs
- Jobs in finance (mergers and acquisitions, asset management, inverstment banking, venture capital and private equity)
- Tech-related jobs (IT manager, data analyst, chief technology officier, product manager)
Content and curriculum
A detailed description of courses and and content of the Global MBA can be found at our IBR partner institution
Further questions?
Please don't hesitate and feel free getting in touch with us!