On this page we would like to give you a series of evaluations and assessments from our students about our study programs.

Vatan Thakur is an indian student of our Master's degree program Data Engineering and Consulting. He talks about his experiences with the course, what it means to study in Germany and what he particularly likes about what we offer.
Marek Kapcia, 24, is a polish student and he is enrolled in our Bachelor's degree program Industrial Engineering. He explains, that he likes sports, enjoying nature and doing hiking which is partly the reason why he chooses to study at our university.
This is Sascha, 25 years old. He moved from Portugal  to Germany at the age of 13 and at that time he discovered his passion for technology. So after completing his Bachelor in medical informatics, he decided to join our Master's course of data engineering and consulting.
Pierre Ridoré, a student from Haiti, talks about his motivation studiying data engineering and cosulting.